Overhead should be the most scrutinized line-item of Business
When I first started my company, the idea of hiring a Human Resources (HR) person felt like an unnecessary overhead. I wasn’t alone in that thinking, either. Many founders believe that HR simply adds to the costs without delivering enough tangible value in return. The personnel department of decades past has been rebranded into “human resources” or “employee relations.” Today, HR is nominally tasked with “curating company culture”, advocating for diversity, ensuring competitive salaries and benefits. All too often, HR also becomes a legal instrument, protecting the company against lawsuits (or, sometimes inviting them inadvertently). What HR is not great at is identifying the right talent. Hiring the right people is one of the most critical job of a startup CEO. And, in many ways, HR always felt somewhat disconnected from the heart of my business. I would advise founders to hold off on HR as long as possible.