Another Indian-origin doctor dies in US of COVID-19

indica News Bureau-

The novel coronavirus is reaching record numbers each day here in the US with more and more frontline workers falling prey to it.

Its latest claim is, Dr. Sudheer S Chauhan, a physician of Indian origin, who had dedicated his life to the service of his patients.

Dr. Chauhan was diagnosed with COVID-19 and was battling for his life for the past few weeks, and died of complications from the illness on May 19.

During the Physicians Memorial, Sneh Chauhan, his daughter wrote, “We will miss this unique, kind, gentle and caring spirit. May his soul rest in peace”.

Dr. Chauhan’s death proves that the elderly population is much more susceptible to the disease. Especially when they are our frontline health workers, who have been the most vulnerable in this pandemic.

In fact, according to a study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), frontline workers account for more than 11% of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the US.

Dr. Seema Arora, Chairwoman of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin’s (AAPI) Board of Trustees, said that coronavirus has placed the entire healthcare sector and in particular the Indian-American medical fraternity at the frontlines of the fight against the pandemic.

Earlier this month, an Indian-origin father-daughter duo both doctors in New Jersey passed away due to COVID19, with New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy describing the demise of the “healthcare heroes”.

There are about 80,000 practicing Indian American physicians who are at the forefront of fighting COVID-19 pandemic in the US. Although the Indian Americans constitute less than 1% of the population, more than 9% of them are doctors and physicians, not counting the countless medical students, residents, and fellows of Indian origin in this country who are supporting many of the hospitals affected by the pandemic.

Expressing hope, Dr. Amit Chakrabarty says, “AAPI members continue to donate money for AAPI to provide essential personal protective equipment to areas that are in short supply. Finally, AAPI has provided through various channels, spiritual and motivational guidance to our members and their families. We are in this together and we will emerge victoriously. That is our belief and are working hard towards it.”