Book Review: Radha Kapuria’s ‘Music in Colonial Punjab: Courtesans, Bards, and Connoisseurs’

Book Review: To read Radha Kapuria’s book ‘Music in Colonial Punjab: Courtesans, Bards, and Connoisseurs’ is, for Indian and foreign readers alike, to take a journey into a wondrous realm, hitherto unknown and yet populated with marvels. In this book, published in 2023 by Oxford University Press, Kapuria makes the effort, in her own phrase, to reveal classical Punjabi music was not, as usually believed, folk music, but court music; a distinction lost on a modern readership, to whom the distinction of ‘high’ and ‘low’ musics is a matter of taste, but at the time very important to the Sikh and Muslims kings of post-Mughal Punjab.