HRCCV celebrates Sudarshan Kapoor’s lifetime of advocacy


The Human Rights Coalition of the Central Valley (HRCCV), in December, celebrated the impact of its Founder, Dr. Sudarshan Kapoor, who is retiring from the coalition as a board member. Kapoor, however, will continue to be a champion in the community, and the movement at large, the organization said.

Kapoor was honored on the same day the organization celebrated its annual Human Rights Day Commemoration. This event focused on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

“UDHR is 30 Articles long, and now more than ever, it is imperative to ensure that these foundational, fundamental rights are protected and respected for all citizens of the world,” HRCCV said on Facebook.

Born in Panjab, India, Kapoor learned the value of non-violence from his spiritual mentor, Mahatma Gandhi. He moved to the United States in 1963 and to the California Central Valley in 1967, joining the Department (then School) of Social Work Education at California State University, Fresno.

Since 1967, he has served as a professor of Social Work, Community Development and Peace Studies. Kapoor has sought, fought, and taught about peace and justice through nonviolence.

“His commitment to Gandhi’s vision, life, and teachings has been demonstrated in his leadership and achievements on both the Fresno State campus and in the community,” the organization said.

Kapoor is the founder and first director of the Peace and Conflict Studies Program. He established and coordinated the Stop the Hate and Build the Culture of Peace Week at Fresno State and in the community. He is the founder of the Peace Garden project that currently honors Gandhi, Cesar E. Chavez, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Jane Addams, and Nelson Mandela.

Kapoor has served on boards and commissions locally and nationally. He was awarded the Provost’s Excellence in Teaching Award for Community Service, the NAACP Image Award (Fresno Chapter) and the Fresno State Top Dog Award in 2022.

“We are so thankful for the support of the community in advancing our mission, and for joining us to honor Dr. Kapoor,” it said.

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