indica News Bureau-
A few months after the announcement of a most senior position in Indian defense forces, General Bipin Rawat has been named the country’s first Chief of Defense Staff (CDS). This post was created for better coordination between Air, navy, and army during the war. The Chief of Defense Staff will be a four-star General, the principal military advisor to the defense minister, and head the new Department of Military Affairs to ensure coordination in training, logistics, and procurement of the three services.
This post was created after the amendment of the army, air and Navy rules by the defense ministry. The ministry introduced a new clause that allows the Chief of Defense Staff to serve up to a maximum age of 65 years. The notification came in the backdrop of Gen Rawat retiring on December 31. According to the existing rules, an Army Chief has a tenure of three years or up to the retirement age of 62 years, whichever is earlier. Rawat will serve as CDS for almost 5 years as he is yet to reach the age of 62. He is retiring because he is completing his tenure of three years as Army Chief. General Rawat is serving a rare full three-year term as the Indian Army Chief after he superseded two officers in 2016.
According to a report by ET, the CDS will administer all tri-services organizations, comprising personnel from the army, air force, and navy, but their command will be with the Chief of the service which has a predominant role in their functioning.
He will also head newly formed agencies for cyber and space.
Although the tri-service agency of special forces could also come under him, their deployment will be dependent on ground commanders.
The headquarters of the Integrated Defense Staff, comprising representatives from the three services, will come under him. The Chief of the Integrated Defense Staff, also known as the CISC, who heads this tri-services organization will also come under the CDS and be renamed as the Deputy CDS. The CDS will also head all tri-services institutions such as the National Defense Academy in Pune, College of Defense Management in Secunderabad and the National Defense College in Delhi. He will also be the Permanent Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee and will be supported by the IDS staff in this second role as well.
However, the CDS will be limited to administrative roles, and will not have any operational role and military command. But, will ensure coordination in joint operations. He will also not be eligible to hold any government office after demitting as the CDS.
Not only the post CDS but the Cabinet- chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi- cleared a proposal for the creation of a new Department of Military Affairs (DMA). The DMA will be another department under the defense ministry. The CDS will function as its secretary and is likely to have financial powers. He will have the salary and perquisites equivalent to a service chief. The three services, the Headquarter IDS, the Territorial Army, works relating to the army, air force and navy, and procurements exclusive to the services, except capital acquisitions, will come under the DMA.
While the CDS will be the principal military adviser to the defense minister on all tri-services matters, the three chiefs will continue to advise the minister on matters exclusively concerning their services. “The CDS will not exercise any military command, including over the three service chiefs,” a defense ministry statement reads.