India lost more than half a million lives in four years in road accidents: Govt data

Close to 582,000 people lost their lives in road accidents in four years leading up up to 2020, the Indian parliament was informed Thursday. The data was sourced from police departments of all states and Union territories.

Road Transport minister Nitin Gadkari, in a written reply, informed the Lok Sabha (the lower house of Parliament), that in 2017, 464,910 accidents left 147,913 dead and 470,975 injured. In 2018, the number of accidents were 467,044, killing 151,417 people and injuring 469,418, while in 2019, 449,002 accidents left 151,113 dead. In 2020, the number of accidents decreased to 366,138 which left 131,714 people dead and 348,279 injured,

Gadkari said the ministry has formulated a multi-pronged strategy to address the issue of road safety based on education, engineering – both of roads and vehicles, enforcement, and emergency care.