Indian-American attorney says that China must come up with full truth to find a cure for coronavirus

indica News Service

An eminent Indian-American attorney, Ravi Batra has said that China must come up with the “raw truth” so that a coronavirus cure could be found. He said that nobody is going out till a cure is available.  

Ravi and his family got infected with coronavirus but survived the scare. Ravi says: “I wish for humanity to survive this deceptively friendly coronavirus. I expect China to tell all – the raw truth – so every nations’ scientists and doctors, not just our hero Dr Anthony Fauci can use ”open source” data and find a vaccine as soon as possible.”

Ravi who is New York based, says that after having seen death at close quarters, he is more energised to do good as never before. Ravi says that no one is going to work or school till a cure of the deadly coronavirus is found.

Ravi had a Twitter war with China’s ambassador to the UN Zhang Jun over coronavirus. China is the country of origin for coronavirus and it is assumed by many that China is not coming up with the full truth about the virus. 

Ravi is very thankful to God for having survived the scare:  “Thanks to the joy of seeing Ranju and Angela daily, spending whatever waking time together, accepting dearest (Union Minister) Hardeep”s (Singh Puri) daily booster call, and the tsunami of prayers – we are alive today. President Donald Trump was right: with this lockdown, people will discover their family again.”

Coronavirus will change the current form of globalization

Ravi says that a lot will change once the coronavirus is over like globalization will not continue in the current format and strong national feelings will grow. He said that countries will be more keen for domestic production over international supplies. He says: “We are going to see global supply lines become domestic. Ricardo”s ”Comparative Advantage” principle is dead in these pandemic days. Our ventilators have parts made all over the world. This will stop. We will make our ventilators and N95 masks in the good ole USA. Export-based economies will shudder. Globalisation is the OBOR for pandemics and that too must be disrupted for public health reasons.” 

He added: “Let honour and humility, not greed and arrogance, define the brave new world after coronavirus is whipped, even as our casualties will be enormous during this near-Biblical war with Mother Nature,” Mr Batra said.

Ravi suffered from high temperature for 16 days but got better and after that he quarantined himself in his home.