Indian American reappointed to State Museum Board by Governor Pritzker


Governor of Illinois, JB Pritzker, recently reappointed an Indian American for a second term as a member of the State Museum Board. This was among six appointments to boards and commissions. The appointments are awaiting State Senate approval.

The appointments made by the Governor will give a second term to Nikhil Trivedi who will now continue to serve as a Member of the Illinois State Museum Board. Trivedi works as the Director of Engineering at the Art Institute of Chicago overseeing the development of interactive applications for web, mobile, and in-gallery experiences, a regular contributor to The Incluseum blog, and a project advisor for Museum As Site For Social (MASS) Action.

His writing has been featured in Model View Culture, Fwd: Museums, and the Journal of Museum Education. Trivedi is also a Co-Creator of the Visitors of Color blog, where they document the experiences of people from marginalized communities who visit—and don’t visit—museums. He earned his Bachelor of Science from DePaul University in human-computer Interaction.

The other appointments made by Governor Pritzker include Jorge Leon as a Member of the Northeastern Illinois University Board of Trustees; Mohamad Nasir as a Member of the State Employees Retirement System Board of Trustees; Lesley McCain as a Member of the Energy Workforce Advisory Council; Karen Harris has been reappointed as a Member of the Workers’ Compensation Advisory Board; and David Menchetti will continue to serve as a Member of the Workers’ Compensation Medical Fee Advisory Board.


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