By Justice Markandey Katju-
(Justice Markandey Katju is a former Judge, Supreme Court of India, and former Chairman of Press Council of India. The views expressed are his own)
I have said that India’s huge problems of massive poverty, massive unemployment, appalling level of child malnutrition, skyrocketing prices of essential commodities, almost total lack of proper healthcare and good education for the masses, etc. can only be solved by a mighty historical people’s struggle culminating in a revolution.
I have also said that historical experience shows that before every actual revolution, there is always an ideological revolution e.g. the ideological revolution led by Voltaire and Rousseau in France before the great French Revolution of 1789 which destroyed feudalism in France.
India is presently passing through a period of ideological revolution, in which the weapons used are not guns, bombs, or swords but ideas.
It is high time now that the genuine patriots who wish to contribute in this historical endeavor get organized, so as to become more effective.
I am laying down some general principles in this connection for this proposed organization :
- Name and Structure of the organization
- The organization will be called The Patriots or Deshbhakts
- Membership: All Indians ( which includes Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, since they really Indians only temporarily and artificially separated from us by a British swindle called Partition, but are sure to reunite with us one day ) who love the country and wish it to rise again as a powerful prosperous nation can be members
- There will be a Chairman, several Vice Chairmen, a General Secretary, several Jt. Secretaries, etc, all working on an honorary basis.
For some time I can be the Chairman, but later I will hand over the post to a younger person as I am too old, and can become the patron giving guidance from above.
- Members should form local units, where they can meet regularly, and report to the General Secretary or one of the Jt Secretaries, and seek guidance from above
- Ideological principles of the Patriots
There will be iron discipline in observing these strict principles, and any deviation from them will result in immediate expulsion from the organization
- Our aim is to transform India into a modern industrial giant, for only then can we get rid of the great socio-economic evils mentioned above which have cursed us for centuries, and give our people a high standard of living and decent lives
- To attain this goal we have to wage a mighty historical people’s struggle culminating in a revolution, which process will be arduous, protracted, with many twists and turns , and in which tremendous sacrifices will have to be made
- Feudal ideas and practices like casteism and communalism are our main enemies and therefore must be attacked strongly. Those who incite and promote casteism and communalism must be exposed as anti-national and mischief makers
- Scientific ideas must be disseminated and spread widely among our masses to change their mindsets, and superstitions like astrology etc criticized strongly
C Practical steps to take
- As mentioned above, the ideological revolution is a non-violent one, in which the weapons used are ideas. So much of its work will be done by intellectuals
- Members should organize local units of the organization where they can meet regularly and discuss issues of national and social importance. They can always seek guidance from higher leaders of the organization.
3. A central issue that these local units must discuss is how to attack casteism, communalism, superstitions and other feudal ideas and practices
- Politicians who polarise society, and spread and incite caste and communal hatred must be exposed as enemies of the people and rogues, rascals and deceivers