Justice Markandey Katju: The truth about developments in Pakistan

Justice Markandey Katju

By Justice Markandey Katju–

(Justice Markandey Katju is a former Judge, Supreme Court of India, and former Chairman, Press Council of India. The views expressed are his own)

Most people have a superficial understanding of events, and do not penetrate the surface to see the underlying realities. To understand what is really going on in Pakistan, one must view it in a broader, world context.

Today, the main contest in the world is between two alliances
(1) The US-Europe alliance, and
(2) The China-Russia alliance.

What is happening in Pakistan is a proxy struggle between these two groupings.

Pakistan was earlier firmly in the US camp, receiving huge aid (see past data). Of late, however, China, which is no longer a socialist country (though it still calls itself one) has become an expanding imperialist, and has, inter alia, deeply penetrated the Pakistani economy and polity.

Washington obviously resents this.

Former Prime Minister Imran Khan had often been critical of America. He even called the US-Pakistan combine a ‘master-slave’ relationship, and was critical of Pakistan sending its troops into Afghanistan at the behest of the Americans. Khan’s visit to Moscow during the Russia-Ukraine conflict further estranged relations.

Consequently, the Biden administration refused to have any contact with him, and practically declared him persona non grata. If Khan is to be believed, the Americans even tried to topple his government. Thus, it is clear that Khan represents the Russia-China alliance in Pakistan.

On the other hand, Pakistan’s generals represent the US-European alliance. These generals are beholden to America in several ways, and do its bidding. Their children and close relatives have been given high paying jobs in the World Bank, IMF, or some multinational corporation, or admission with scholarship in Harvard, Yale, or some other Ivy League University. Many serving/retired generals have large bank deposits in western financial institutions.

The proxy contest in Pakistan of the two world alliances, explains what is going on in Pakistan today. Since both the world alliances are powerful, the situation in Pakistan will witness utter turmoil in the days to come, and neither side will be victorious.

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