Justice Markandey Katju-

Markandey Katju is a former Judge, Supreme Court of India, and former Chairman, Press Council of India. The views expressed are his own.
A great Asian leader said, ” When hundreds of millions of peasants rise like a typhoon or tornado, it will be a force so powerful and so swift, that no power on earth can resist it “.
Today, the 750 million Indian farmers, are that mighty force, who have risen, and displayed their gigantic form, like Lord Krishna displaying it to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra.
The police had erected barriers to prevent their entry into Delhi, but it was like King Canute trying to stop a tidal wave, and the barriers at Tikdi, Singhu and Ghazipur borders were smashed in no time. Moreover, even the police and para military forces would have been in their hearts sympathetic with the farmers, as they too are mostly sons of farmers.
Some people have criticized the farmers for taking the law into their own hands. But they forget what the great French leader Robespierre said during the French Revolution of 1789 when some persons criticized the Parisians for doing illegal acts ” But citoyens ( citizens ) ” Robespierre said, ” the Revolution is illegal, the abolition of the monarchy is illegal, the storming of the Bastille is illegal, the burning of the manor houses of the aristocrats is illegal. Do you want a revolution without a revolution ( Voulez vous une revolucion sans revolucion) ? “.
The government, realizing that its usual modus operandi of dividing and polarising people on the basis of religion and caste will not work here in view of the unity among the farmers, made desperate attempts to defame the movement by branding the agitating farmers as khalistanis, Pakistanis, maoists, tukde tukde gang and anti nationals. But this Goebbelsian propaganda has deceived no one.
The government, evidently controlled by corporates, is bewildered and in a state of total confusion before the mighty upsurge of the Indian farmers, who have been given support by almost all sections of society–industrial workers, lawyers, intellectuals, filmstars, ex-servicemen, sportsmen, etc, and even the soldiers in the army would in their hearts be sympathizing with them, as a soldier is a peasant in uniform or son of a peasant.
The ongoing Indian farmer’s agitation is the beginning of a historical people’s struggle. It has overcome the greatest barrier to India’s progress viz. our disunity on a caste and communal basis. Though presently it is confined to economic demands e.g. remunerative prices for their produce, it will later develop into a mighty political movement, and in 10-15 years will result in the total transformation of the country and creation of a political and social order under which India rapidly industrializes, and becomes a prosperous nation, with its people enjoying a high standard of living and getting decent lives, with employment for all, good incomes, nutritious food, proper healthcare and good education for all.
Long live the Indian farmers!