‘Mr Vice President I’m Snacking’ says India’s Amul girl, inspired by Kamala Harris


India-based dairy brand ‘Amul’ has a long history of creating timely advertising masterpieces that are clever, witty, and tongue-in-cheek.

Recently, as the Vice-Presidential debate for US elections wrapped up and the countdown has begun for the polls, the dairy giant has waded into the poll fever and released a new topical.

On October 7, Senator Kamala Harris and US Vice President Mike Pence faced each other in the debate moderated by Susan Page, all eyes were set to the drama that would unfold. Two things that went viral as the debate was over were – one, the fly Pence’s head and the phrase by Harris – ‘I’m speaking.’

Depicting the same in their topical, Amul in its new doodle has written ‘Mr. Vice President I’m Snacking.’ The Amul Girl is shown as Kamala Harris – most probably due to her Indian origin and Pence is shown sitting opposite and arguing. The fly on Pence’s head has been carefully shown by the Dairy giant. The quote refers to Harris’ ‘I’m speaking’ remark on Mike Pence when the latter was attempting to intervene while she was speaking. The Amul doodle also wrote: “Eat without interruptions.”

The intense 90-minute vice-presidential debate ended with more decorum to its merit than what viewers witnessed during the first presidential face-off between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. With Democrat leader Harris patiently asking for her turn to her rival Pence more or less adhering to the time-limit as per the question, moderator Susan Page managed to ask all the relevant questions to the presidential deputies that would end up defining the election results.

Starting from staple subjects like the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, jobs and economic growth to more ragging ones like Trump’s tax mystery, the future of US-China relationship, and racial injustice, both US Vice President nominee attempted to make their case strong. While it remains to be decided by US voters who won the US Vice Presidential Debate 2020, Kamala Harris led the offensive through and through.

COVID-19 pandemic was the opening question for both the leaders. While Harris denounced the Trump administration’s response to the pandemic stating that more than 210,000 Americans have lost their life, Pence lauded the efforts of Trump administration. Harris said that both Trump and Pence were informed about the nature of the pandemic from January 28, on the other hand, the Vice President condemned the Biden-Harris approach that according to him ‘looks plagiarized’.

Moderator Susan Page then brought up the subject of racial justice in the US when asked if Breonna Taylor, the medical worker who was shot and killed by Louisville police officers in March, got justice, Harris replied with a firm ‘No’. California said that the Black woman was killed “unjustifiably, tragically, violently”. Pence deflected on answering the question of ‘Justice for Breonna’ and backed law enforcement.

The two leaders also spoke about US’ withdrawal from the 2015 Paris climate accord. While Pence said that he is proud of the Trump administration’s record on climate change as well as conservation, Harris said that Biden administration will take the United States back to Paris Climate Accord.