PM Modi keen on sorting the H-1B visa issues


As Prime Minister Narendra Modi is touching base with as much as leaders and issues he can at the United States, matters concerning H-1B visa is one among the most important, after the former president messed up the smooth deal that existed earlier.

PM Modi along with his Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla spoke of the issue of getting access for Indian professionals to the United States. “In that context, he mentioned H-1B visa,” Shringla told reporters at a news conference on the day.

He also spoke of the fact that many Indian professionals who work here contribute to Social Security. The return of those contributions in the United States is something that affects the number of Indian workers, Shringla said.

A fact sheet issued by the White House later said that the United States was proud to have issued a record 62,000 visas to Indian students so far in 2021. The nearly 200,000 Indian students in the United States contribute $7.7 billion annually to the US economy.

Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Fulbright Program worldwide, the program has been bringing Americans and Indians closer together for 71 years since its launch in India.

The Partnership 2020 program continues to foster higher education cooperation to promote economic growth and technological advances. In collaboration with the University of Nebraska at Omaha, this program funds 15 research partnerships between US and Indian universities in the fields of advanced engineering, artificial intelligence, public health, and energy, among others, the White House said.

The US-funded Nexus startup and innovation hub showcases the best of American and Indian entrepreneurial innovation and technology commercialization. Nexus serves as a central hub for entrepreneurs, innovators, faculty, industry players, and funding organizations interested in promoting Indian startups and the local entrepreneurial ecosystem, it said.

USAID looks forward to working with the Indian government on establishing the US-India Gandhi-King Development Foundation to promote initiatives and exchanges that honor both visionary leaders, it added.