Resetting the Jewel in the Crown – A Roadmap for Rebuilding India

Prof. Solomon Darwin-

Prof. Solomon-Darwin

Prof. Solomon Darwin, serves as the Executive Director: Center for Corporate Innovation, Executive Director: Center for Growth Markets at Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley. He is known as the father of the Smart Village Movement and is the author of four books: Amazon Author’s Page “How to think like The CEO of the planet”, “The Untouchables, Three Generations of Triumph over Torment” and “Smart Villages of Tomorrow” and “How to Create Smart Villages” 



I strongly believe that our Indian community living abroad should commit itself to accelerate the ambitious goal of helping India become one of the world’s top global manufacturing hubs. A pivotal incident in my professional career sparked the idea that evolved into my new book, and that idea was all about the issue of trust.

Or, to be more specific, about the issue of lack of trust. The lack of trust has been one of the biggest impediments to
achieving this lofty goal for India – and for other countries with parallel ambitions. The lack of trust has led many companies to choose to not make the kinds of investments in India that they otherwise might have. Many global brands, emerging tech start-ups, and small entrepreneurial companies have all chosen to make investments elsewhere.

This is despite the fact that India is not only an important market, and a vital manufacturing center on a path to becoming the second-most important manufacturing hub, but it also presents a unique learning opportunity and laboratory for experimentation. India is the right place to learn about what can work elsewhere.

India may have a long and storied history, but it’s also a baby country birthed in 1947, younger than America and possessing a young population. There are many other reasons why India is a great laboratory to experiment in:

  1. India is in the right place in its lifecycle to embrace new ideas.
  2. As you rebuild India, you’re rebuilding Europe and other areas that are looking to India for talent, resources, and secondary manufacturing hubs beyond China.
  3. Companies around the world want to expand their markets in India, making it the second-largest industrial hub,
  4. because it has an enormous English-speaking and tech-savvy population full of bright and ambitious workers and has a long tradition of working closely with the West and respecting its laws and culture.

But as I mentioned, many companies are choosing to take a pass on making major investments in India. And a big part of the reason for this has to do with the lack of trust.


My book explores “Rebuilding India Initiatives” undertaken by UC Berkeley’s Center for Growth Markets at the Haas School of Business. It is a good read if you like to join the movement.

Available on Amazon “Resetting the Jewel in the Crown – A Roadmap to Rebuilding India”