Sikh Coalition prepares for potential violence against the community in US



Whenever there is a global disturbance, be it pandemic or political turmoil, it has an adverse ripple effect in other countries. This is more so evident in the United States than in any other.

For instance, when the COVID-19 pandemic occurred, many Americans targeted hatred towards the local Asian communities. Similarly, after 9/11, the Muslim community and the South Asian community at large, especially Sikhs were constantly bullied.

Now, after the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and the rapid deterioration of the social order, social media and the news across the has been filled with horrific stories.

Organizations like Sikh Coalition and their counterpart World Sikh Organization in Canada are taking proactive steps to make sure there is enough support and information, so the potential backlash is that could happen in the near future against innocent community members can be averted.

In addition, they are urging their respective governments to take steps in resettling Afghan Sikhs and Hindus, who remain under dire threat.

After 9/11, the American public’s false conflation of images of the Taliban (often with beards and head coverings) and the Sikh articles of faith had severe consequences for our community; the Sikh Coalition, founded in response to that groundswell of discrimination, harassment, and violence, tracked more than 300 anti-Sikh incidents in the first month alone.

Now, with Afghanistan and the Taliban once again the focus of the national conversation and political tensions remaining high across our nation, it is important to be prepared for the potential risk of this kind of backlash.

To make sure, instances like that do not happen, the Sikh Coalition has been advising vigilance and caution for every Sikh household and sangat in the days and weeks ahead. They are urging their community members to know their rights, remain aware of their surroundings, and always report cases of bias, bigotry, and discrimination.

For safety of the community members, they’ve created a platform for people to access information and seek support.

Here are some useful links

FAQ guide on hate crimes and hate speech,

Gurdwara Security Toolkit

For any further support or information write to for a free consultation.