Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday extended his wishes on India’s Independence Day to the people of the country and called Bharat Mata as the voice of every Indian. Taking to social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, the Congress leader said, “Bharat Mata is the voice of every Indian! Happy Independence Day to all the countrymen.”
Tag: BharatJodoyatra
Justice Markandey Katju: Rahul Gandhi’s speech in Indian Parliament
Justice Markandey Katju writes: Rahul Gandhi’s recent speech in Lok Sabha (the lower house of the Indian Parliament) during the No-Confidence Motion proceedings on Manipur is being hailed by some as historic, as if it were a speech of Demosthenes, Cicero, Daniel Webster, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, or Martin Luther King, Jr.
Justice Markandey Katju: The closed minds of Indian politicians, ‘liberals’, and ‘intellectuals’
Justice Markandey Katju writes: Indian politicians, the so called ‘liberals’ and ‘intellectuals’, and the ‘independent’ media, who do political analysis of the Indian political scene, have one fetish and limitation: they cannot think beyond the system of parliamentary democracy. All their moves, discussions and analyses are within that system. Parliamentary democracy for them is a holy cow, and they think it will last forever, just as the Bourbons thought their rule will last forever.
Indian American community discovers reinvigorated Rahul Gandhi
By Mayank Chhaya- Riding the wave of his remarkably successful Bharat Jodo Yatra and the Congress Party’s assertive electoral victory in Karnataka, Rahul Gandhi’s just concluded diverse engagements in San Francisco, Washington and New York have revealed a reinvigorated politician to the Indian American community. Unlike his earlier visits, during which also he displayed some […]
Rahul Gandhi US visit: Remarks by Indian American entrepreneur Frank Islam welcoming Congress leader
The following remarks were made by Indian American entrepreneur Frank Islam, who is an information technology entrepreneur, investor, philanthropist, civic leader, and writer who heads the FI Investment Group. He was the founder and CEO of the QSS Group. He had hosted a private engagement with Congress Party leader Rahul Gandhi on June 1
India’s Congress Party Still likes the Old Guard
Mayank Chhaya- On July 14, 1942, barely a week before India’s main opposition party, the Indian National Congress’s new president Mallikarjun Kharge was born, its main decision-making body authorized Mohandas Gandhi to embark on a nationwide mass movement. That movement was famously and succinctly christened ‘Bharat Chhodo Andolan’ or ‘Quit India Movement’ to dislodge the […]
Congress Party to vote for new president today, Tharoor and Kharge in fray
At least 9,200 Congress Party delegates are all set to elect their ideal candidate among the two parliamentarians- Shashi Tharoor and Mallikarjun Kharge- today for the Congress Party top post.
Rahul Gandhi’s Bharat Jodo Yatra is just a stunt and gimmick: Justice Katju
Justice Markandey Katju- Justice Markandey Katju is a former Judge, Supreme Court of India, and former Chairman, Press Council of India. The views expressed are his own. Rahul Gandhi is leading a Bharat Jodo Yatra ( Unite India March ), from Kanyakumari to Srinagar, which started on 7th September. Its professed aim is to unite […]