After making it hop once, India’s moon lander Vikram was put to sleep, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) said as part of the Chandrayaan-3 mission. “Vikram Lander is set into sleep mode around 08:00 Hrs. IST today. Prior to that, in-situ experiments by ChaSTE, RAMBHA-LP and ILSA payloads are performed at the new location. The data collected is received at the Earth. Payloads are now switched off. Lander receivers are kept ON,” ISRO posted on X (formerly Twitter).
Tag: ChaSTE
Chandrayaan-3: ISRO successfully deploys three payloads on moon’s surface
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) said on Thursday that ChaSTE, ILSA and RAMBHA — the payloads of the moon lander 3 have been turned on as part of the Chandrayaan-3 mission. In a tweet, ISRO said: “Lander Module payloads ILSA, RAMBHA and ChaSTE are turned ON today (Thursday).” “Rover mobility operations have commenced. All activities are on schedule. All systems are normal,” ISRO said.