India successfully launched the Short Range Ballistic Missile, Prithvi-II from the Integrated Test Range, Chandipur, off the Odisha coast, on Tuesday, defence officials said.
Tag: DefenceMinIndia
2 women officers part of INSV Tarini crew headed for Cape to Rio Race 2023 in South Africa
Two women officers of the Indian Navy are part of a five-member team that embarked on an epic expedition to Cape Town. Indian Naval Sailing Vessel (INSV) Tarini has set sail for Cape Town, South Africa to participate in the 50th edition of the Cape to Rio Race 2023.
US-India Relations: Special Forces exercise of Indian Navy, US Navy underway in Goa
As part of the continuing advancements in US-India relations, the seventh edition of Exercise Sangam, a joint Naval Special Forces exercise between Indian Navy MARCOs and US Navy SEALs commenced in Goa on December 1, India’s Ministry of Defense said on Tuesday.