Indian prime minister Modi Monday said that the right decisions taken at the right time had led the country to be in a better position as compared to other countries to fight the coronavirus. India is the third worst-hit country in the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Tag: India coronavirus
Modi govt defends PM-CARES in Supreme Court
The Indian government has informed the country’s Supreme Court that there are several funds which were either established earlier or now for carrying out various relief works, and PM-CARES was one such fund with voluntary donations
India to light up lamps, candles, mobile flashlights at 9 PM IST today to show solidarity in fight against coronavirus
indica News Service India will switch off the lights for 9 minutes at 9 PM today (Sunday) and will light up lamps, candles, mobile flashlights to display the nation’s collective spirit. PM Modi appealed to the nation on Friday to display solidarity and burn diyas, torches, mobile flashlights and candles to dispel the darkness of […]