Meta-owned WhatsApp on Thursday said it has taken stern action on the growing menace of International scam calls in India, after the government took cognisance of the issue and announced to send a notice to the platform over the issue.
Tag: Malaysia
Apple set quarterly record in India, country at a tipping point: Tim Cook
Apple set a quarterly record in the January-March 2023 period in India and grew very strong, in double digits year-over-year, said Tim Cook, the company’s CEO who was in India last month to open the first branded retail stores in Mumbai and New Delhi.
India rejects “biased and motivated” US commission report on its religious freedom
India rejected “biased and motivated,” comments made by the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) about the country in its annual report that had yet again proposed to blacklist New Delhi and urged it to develop a better understanding of India.
Citigroup appoints Anand Selvakesari as COO
Indian American Anand Selvakesari has been appointed as the Chief Operating Officer of Citigroup. The announcement was made by the US-based bank in an internal note. Selvakesari, 32, who is now the head of consumer banking operations, will take on the additional role with immediate effect. He will take over after the current COO Karen Peetz retires. The new COO will be overseeing the group’s ongoing transformation program.
US considering imposing new Covid restrictions on Chinese arrivals
The US is considering imposing new Covid restrictions on Chinese arrivals after Beijing announced it would reopen its borders next month, media reports said.
India goes up three notches in Global Corruption Index
IANS – India has improved its ranking by three positions in the Global Corruption Index 2018 released on Tuesday while the US has dropped out of top 20 countries for the first time since 2011. India, which was ranked 81st in 2017, is ranked 78 in 2018, according to the latest Corruption Perception Index […]