Manipur Chief Minister N. Biren Singh on Wednesday declined to give permission to use Hapta Kangjeibung Palace compound ground in the state capital Imphal for launch of Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra led by former Congress party President Rahul Gandhi on January 14. After meeting the Chief Minister Manipur, state Congress President Keisham Meghachandra Singh said that the party is now considering three other alternative venues to launch the Yatra.
Tag: Manipur
Moody’s reiterates India’s stable Baa3 rating but warns of political issues
Moody’s Investors Service on Friday maintained its stable outlook on India, while affirming its Baa3 rating. Though at the same time, it has taken a cautious stand on political issues, citing Manipur’s example.
Both houses of Parliament adjourned after Opposition insists PM give statement on Manipur
The two Houses of Parliament were adjourned for the day on Thurdsay following adjournments and Opposition protests over their demand for discussion on Manipur violence by suspending other business of the day and a statement from Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Lok Sabha was adjourned till 12 noon IST and later for the day. Rajya Sabha was adjourned till 2.30 pm IST before being adjourned for the day.
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on 2-day visit to violence-hit Manipur
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Thursday (India time) left from Delhi airport for a two-day visit to violence-hit Manipur. The Congress leader will be in Manipur on June 29 and 30 during which he is scheduled to visit relief camps and interact with civil society representatives in Imphal and Churachandpur.
Justice Markandey Katju: How will history look back at events in Pakistan
Justice Markandey Katju on his conversation with an Indian Muslim friend who advised him to write more on India and not Pakistan.
Delhi, North India gripped by severe cold wave
Dense fog and cold wave conditions continued to sweep New Delhi, the national capital with the city recording a minimum temperature of 7.8 degrees Celsius on Wednesday morning.
Lok Sabha polls in seven phases April 11-May 19, vote count on May 23
IANS- Lok Sabha elections will be held in seven phases from April 11 to May 19, the Election Commission announced on Sunday setting a two-and-half month-long process for people to either vote in the Narendra Modi-led dispensation once again or choose an alternative. Counting of votes in 543 constituencies will be taken up on […]