At 21, Indian American Utkarsh Jain is running for California state seat as Republican

At 21, Utkarsh Jain is among the youngest Republicans running for the California State Assembly District 14 seat in the upcoming primary on March 5. He will face incumbent Buffy Wicks (D) and Margot Smith (D). Jain is a student of economics at the University of California, Berkeley, exploring his interests in finance, economics, politics, sales, consulting, and entrepreneurship. A profile on his website says that “as part of a community of small business owners, he is understanding people’s needs and forging connections.”

Ami Bera and Ro Khanna win Congressional primaries

Ami Bera and Ro Khanna win Congressional primaries

Among the losers was Peter Jacob, the Bernie-backed Congressional candidate in New Jersey   indica Washington Bureau   Indian-American US representatives Ami Bera and Ro Khanna won their respective primaries in California on Tuesday, while three Indians running for Congress in New Jersey — Hirsh Singh, Goutam Jois, and Peter Jacob – lost their Congressional bid […]