One Swiggy user from Hyderabad ordered idlis worth USD 8,754 [Rs 7.3 lakh] in the past 12 months, the online food delivery platform said on Saturday on the occasion of ‘World Idli Day’.
Tag: Swiggy
About 3,000 tech employees now being fired a day on average in Jan
With more Big Tech companies like Microsoft and Google joining the ongoing layoff season, about 3,000 tech employees are now being laid off per day on average in January globally, including in India.
India ranked fourth for 2022 tech VC investments: New report from Dealroom
Global tech venture capital (VC) firms continue to put large sums of money into Indian tech companies despite a challenging global economic climate, a recent report conducted by Dealroom and London & Partners revealed. India ranked fourth globally with $24.1 billion worth of VC investments in 2022, the report said.
Fairwork India Ratings: Ola, Uber, Dunzo worst platforms for gig workers
When it comes to fair work for gig workers among the digital platform economy in India, Ola, Uber and quick-grocery delivery provider Dunzo are the worst performers across parameters related to the working conditions of gig workers, a report showed on Tuesday.