Vincent van Gogh masterpiece painting stolen from Singer Laren Museum

Indica News Bureau

One of the paintings of the Dutch master painter Vincent van Gogh has been stolen by the thieves from a museum in the Netherlands. The museum was running closed due to the prevalence of coronavirus. The painting is estimated to be worth USD 2 million.


The Singer Laren Museum from where the painting was stolen, said in a statement that the painting was stolen in the early hours on Monday by the thieves.


The director of the Singer Laren museum  Jan Rudolph de LormI’m said that he was shocked and unbelievably annoyed that this has happened. He said: “This beautiful and moving painting by one of our greatest artists was stolen – removed from the community.” 


The director further added: “It is very bad for the Groninger Museum, it is very bad for the Singer, but it is terrible for us all because art exists to be seen and shared by us, the community, to enjoy to draw inspiration from and to draw comfort from, especially in these difficult times.”


The police and forensics are investigating the theft.

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