The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation on the coronavirus outbreak on Thursday and suggested a unique “Janata Curfew” on Sunday, 22nd March. Till date 180 people have been tested positive for Coronavirus in India. The Janata Curfew will be from 7 am to 9 pm Indian Standard Time on 22nd of March.
What is Janata Curfew in India
Janata Curfew basically means that people will remain in their houses by their own self- will in an attempt to contain the spread of the deadly coronavirus.
“All citizens must abide by this,” PM Modi said in the video address to the nation.
Here is how Janata Curfew is going to work:
1 – The curfew will start from 7 am and will be till 9 pm.
2- People will stay inside their homes during the Janata curfew.
3- Essential services such as medical services, media etc will remain unaffected during the curfew.
4- People will be encouraged to clap for people who are carrying out essential services at 5 pm. People will do this standing in their balconies.
Here is what Mr. Modi said for people who are working in the difficult times of Coronavirus
“For the past two months, millions are working day and night in hospitals and airports and those serving others by not taking care of themselves. On Mar 22, at 5 pm, we should stand on our doorways, balconies, in our windows and keep clapping hands and ringing the bells for five mins to salute and encourage them,”
PM:For last 2 months,millions are working day&night in hospitals&airports&those serving others by not taking care of themselves.On Mar22,at 5'o clock,we should stand on our doorways,balconies,in our windows&keep clapping hands&ringing the bells for 5 mins to salute&encourage them
— ANI (@ANI) March 19, 2020